Overworld concert
Ups! Forgot to blog! XD
It have happend a lot of things lately, but I am going to blog about Overworlds coscert first.^^ I was there with to of my wonderful friends!
First a band called "Trace Of Fllower" played and some crazy peaple started fight/dance.. I think they where good, but I was more exited over to see Overworld play and I didn't have to wait long to see them. I had been looking foward to this for a verry long time and I am so happy that I saw them! I mean..WOW! They played so amazing! I couldn't stop looking at Endigo, he have a wonderful voice and is so cute! and Kaz was so damn hot!
After that we meet Lynx and got a photo with her. She was so nice to us! And I tried to take some stalker pictures of Kaz! It did'nt go so well....
After that the thirde band "TINAGOWTFAY"(I think thats the name) started playing, but we went to search for Endigo to ask him if he rememberd us from the Sakura matsuri festival. He stod outside with some peaple and talked with them, I did'nt dare to go and ask for a picture! XD But later we got a picture with him!!!! And he did remember us!!!
I feel soooooo happy! He also saw the picture on facebook!
We got his aotograph and when he was going to writhe mine he thought it looked so weird so he made a sad smiley!!! Here is some pictures!
Overworld concert!

Overworld is going to have a concert om next thursday!
I hope that I can go with Amanda! I have missed her soooo much! And I hope that
Josse is going to! I will never forget the day when we meet Endigo!
I wonder if i remembers me... (don't think so..ㆀ

Anonymous Confederate Ensemble to Sweden!
The japanese visual kei band Anonymous Confederate Ensemble is going to play here in Sweden, Linköping on
27/7. Don't miss it!
HITT sweden consert
I didn't see him..... TT^TT Somethimes life can be awful.... But next time I will see him so wait for me
But I have already been on his concert last year, and it was the best moment in my life. I just wished that someone was with me.
And he will play in Göteborg tomorrow if I am not wrong. ^^
I hope that the rest of his tour goes well!

HITTs ustreamlive
Men för dem som inte såg hans live igår här har ni en länk: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/megahitt